Humans need less industrial noise in our lives, which we think we have adapted to, but we have not. The Industrial Age has existed for about 200 years.

We humans have only decided that this level of artificial human-manufactured sounds are a part of our daily life and shrug our shoulders and become sicker. Industrial noise affects our health and well-being. The worst is the gas-powered leaf blower, a useless machine that does great harm. We should at least ban it from our society.

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Sep 21Liked by Rebecca Wisent

Agree completely.

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Agreed. The worst sort of noise. Not to mention they burn a lot of fuel, with a lot of toxic emissions, so the (often low wage) workers who use them have increased rates of illness. And they disrupt the nesting of so many moth species. Gas powered leaf blowers (and blowers in general) are SUCH a scourge!

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I am sound sensitive and nature is my escape from the loud world I live in. We all need silence. Some of us more than others.

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And your work reflects that sense of silence, Pamela. Thank you for the peace you bring us.

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Sep 21Liked by Rebecca Wisent

I learned so much from this piece! Sitting in thought with the contents.

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Glad there was something in there for you. I feel as if there is so much to learn about silence, like we've just scratched the surface.

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Thank you for this. As someone who needs silence, and seeks it throughout my day, I find it tragic that nature is affected by our human-caused noise. But I shouldn’t be surprised. Constant noise affects me negatively, too.

I enjoyed listening to you read this. I will come back to it again.

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Thanks, Beth. I find myself seeking silence more and more ... I love the little city I live in, but the constant drone of human activity begins to seem exhausting.

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I find myself seeking silence more and more. Everyday noises, such as the ever-present leaf blower, loud mufflers, and other such nuisances, have begun to make my skin crawl. I put on my noice-cancelling headphones just to still my mind. I dream of buying land, even a few acres, where I can wander, my dog can run free, and I can escape suburban noise. Maybe someday.........

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You've described my heaven. I wish for this for you ... and me, too, someday! :)

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Love this reflection on the need for silence, and look forward to reading the referenced essays. Not only am I confounded by the constant drone and drivel inflicted on the natural world, but goodness, we can't hear each other in restaurants and coffee shops for the obnoxious "background music," and the strange ambiance of hard walls and floors.

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I often wonder how noise is affecting our animal companions as well, from pets like dogs and cats to our larger friends like horses. I imagine they would thrive more if we made less noise, too.

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