Thank you, Rebecca. Enjoy the yuletide.

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Thanks for your work.

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Janisse, I don't know how you have time to read or comment on anything, but I am so grateful you used a little bit of it to stop in over here. Sending mama love from the other coast.

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Thank you for your summary of positive environmental news. It has given me some comfort at a time when our country seems to be losing its sense of direction. Happy Holidays!

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Thank you, Rebecca, for this comprehensive overview of conservation action by the current Federal administration and, without actually saying it, all that we may lose with the incoming circus act, ignorant in all environmental values, including golf clubs and golf courses. What a relief to be delivered, however briefly, from the angst of the political infighting and total ignorance of the spectacular beauty of our natural environment and our responsibility to current and future generations to protect our natural heritage. You and I are not alone in this potentially dire moment in our ongoing climate collapse and we must keep calling out the selfish all-about-the-money Capitalist forces driving environmental degradation and decline. Your work is much appreciated by your readers and Mother Nature! HAVE A HAPPY AND PEACEFUL HOLIDAY!

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Thank you for this compilation of all that has been accomplished. If the previous T administration raised awareness so that all these protections could be implemented by the Biden cabinet and other organizations who work to preserve life, then maybe the second time around will have the same effect when he's gone. La lucha continua.

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Yes! I love your thought process here. Onward!

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Thanks for sharing, it’s great to see so much positive news - including the announcement re funding for bison herds.

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Thank you for these incredibly detailed and informative reports Rebecca, I wish you the happiest of holidays and safe passage into a new year of days - may they be more joyous, less destructive and filled with more peace and calm than we could ever imagine. 🙏🏼

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Susie, and same to you. I hope you had a peaceful and joyous holiday season.

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Thank you Rebecca, pareillement as we say here, I hope your new days are healthy, kind and touched by more than a little joy!

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My vote is for the Crow as Natl Bird, the Coyote as Natl Animal!

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Those would get us back on course, wouldn't they?! I love it!

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