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May 22
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Yay! Curious what you may come up with ... :)

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Inspired!! A list of lists - brilliant 🤩

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Ha! It's my nerdy way. :)

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🤩 love it!!

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Thank you for doing this, Rebecca. It's a wonderful help for finding kindred spirits!

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You are amazing Rebecca!! 🙌🏽🙏🏽♥️

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You are so kind! I just really like making lists. 😆

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This is so very meta (in the best sense!).

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Hehe. Not in that Meta sense.

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exactly ; )

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What a lovely idea! I just saw SmallStack for the first time yesterday. So glad you are gathering the nature writers. Thanks!

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Thank you for including SoberStack and putting this together, Rebecca!

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This is such a great idea. Do you mind if I DM you?

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Of course! Please do

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Thanks. It's great to have all these lists collected in one place. And an especial thanks for all the work you've put into gathering the list of nature writers for HOME (and for including my Substack!).

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Amazing!!! Thank you for your work on this list of lists and compiling the nature directory. You're awesome!

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Timely and brilliant! Thank you for posting this, but now I must dive into a Francophile rabbit hole... 🥰

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Hehe - have fun in there! I need to stop making lists and start down a rabbit hole or two, myself!

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Thank you, Rebecca! You’re doing such a great service on Substack!

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Hi Rebecca, Neil Milton has set up Photostack for photographers. It’s in the form of a Google sheet rather than a directory but is active and updated regularly. This link will give you further details https://substack.com/@lionelsmint/note/c-53236240?r=29jh0d&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=notes-share-action

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Thank you so much, Michela! I've included his information. :)

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I dig this. Love a list. Love a list of lists. Cool. And helpful…in that way a list just always is.

By the way…do you ever include an item that you’ve already completed on a list that you’re compiling, just for the joy of ticking it off? This may be oversharing…but…I do!

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Oh I absolutely do that! I've done that since I was a small child. It's just inborn in some of us, I think. :)

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Another one for you: Saffron Morter-Laing’s Poetic Library.


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